lobster sauce中文什么意思

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  1. Let me show you the three traditional treasures of yangjiang ? lobster sauce , lacquerwork and knife
    让我给你介绍一下阳江“三件宝” :豆豉、漆器、小刀。
  2. Purification a trypsin inhibitor from lobster sauce produced in yongchuan and hypoglycemic action of research
  3. Tantalising lobster sauce mixed with garlic and ginger brings out the fresh and succulent lobster meat and crunchy shrimp balls
  4. The rib couple ( yuanyang paigu , rmb 22 ) , actually a combination of pork , comes with two dipping choices : lobster sauce and brown sauce
    鸳鸯排骨( 22元)则是把猪排并放,配上两种选择:龙虾酱和布朗酱。
  5. Hunan people especially love to cook and 1 , 690 , 1 , 419 former , the latter hot and sour , coupled with the hunan chefs here are good at controlling the hot and sour , master pepper " get - flavor without style " characteristics , enabling the separation of hot and sour desalination concentration , severity levels , in dish and cover downward tendency , wu xian , seafood , fresh bamboo shoot , fresh bacteria , and the hunan specialty lobster sauce , lap - mei , tea oil , the flavor of the oil , etc . , can overflow from spicy to the permeability


Lobster sauce is a type of sauce used in American-Chinese and Canadian-Chinese cuisine. It is also sometimes found in Polynesian-influenced Chinese food.


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  2. lobster pneumonia 什么意思
  3. lobster pot 什么意思
  4. lobster proliferation 什么意思
  5. lobster salad 什么意思
  6. lobster shift 什么意思
  7. lobster soup 什么意思
  8. lobster tail 什么意思
  9. lobster teriyaki noodle 什么意思
  10. lobster thermidor 什么意思


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